Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Ease Your Child into their Next Dental Visit with These Tips!

Pediatric Dentistry of Garden City

Do your children fear the dentist? If they do, they’re just alike many other children out there!

However, the dentist should never be a scary place to bring your children! Here are some great tips to help ease your children into their next dental visit!

Let us know what you think of these tips on our Facebook page! If you have any additional tips, be sure to post them on our page!

Find a Pediatric Dentist – That’s us! Bringing your child to a pediatric dentist is important! We’re trained to work with children and make their visits are comfortable and painless as possible!

Explain the importance of oral health – Talk with your children before their dental visit about how important it is to brush and floss daily. The more you talk about it, the more they’ll understand!

Set up a meet and greet – Pop in your pediatric dentist’s office before your scheduled appointment.  Your child will feel more comfortable with a familiar face.

Make regular dental visits – The more you bring the children to the office, the more comfortable they’ll be. Your child should have a scheduled cleaning every six months!

Avoid “scary” words – When talking about the upcoming dental visit, try to stay away from words such as pain or hurt. Use gentle and friendly words. This way your child associates those words with the visit. 

1 comment:

  1. I started going to the dentist at a young age. The dentist has always been a part of my life. Because I did this, the dentist wasn't ever scary to me. I was already used to the whole process. That is a good tip.
