Friday, August 9, 2013

Does Your Child Need Emergency Dental Care?

Pediatric Dentistry of Garden City

You never know when your child may need emergency dental care. Pediatric Dentistry of Garden City has step-by-step instructions to follow any dental mishap your child may have under emergency circumstances!

Here is a list of questions and answers that may apply to your child’s needs. Remember, don’t hesitate to call us for immediate dental needs.

1) What should I do if my child’s baby tooth is knocked out? Contact your dentist’s office as soon as possible.
2) What should I do if my child’s permanent tooth is knocked out? Find the tooth and rinse it gently in cool water. If possible, replace the tooth in the socket and hold it there with clean gauze or a washcloth. If you can’t put the tooth back in the socket, place the tooth in a clean container with milk, saliva, or water. Get to the pediatric dental office immediately. (Call the emergency number if it’s after hours.) The faster you act, the better your chances of saving the tooth.
3) What if a tooth is chipped or fractured? Contact your pediatric dentist immediately. Quick action can save the tooth, prevent infection and reduce the need for extensive dental treatment. Rinse the mouth with water and apply cold compresses to reduce swelling. If you can find the broken tooth fragment, bring it with you to the dentist.
4) What about a severe blow to the head or jaw fracture? Go immediately to the emergency room of your local hospital. A blow to the head can be life threatening.
5) What if my child has a toothache? Call your pediatric dentist and visit the office promptly. To comfort your child, rinse the mouth with water. Apply a cold compress or ice wrapped in a cloth. Do not put heat or aspirin on the sore area.

Please keep our emergency number available and convenient for all emergency cases! For more information on emergency dental care, please visit Pediatric Dentistry of Garden City on the web. 

1 comment:

  1. I have so glad to have found a list like this! I have never had a dental emergency, but I just know that day will come soon. I want to take care of my kids and know just what to do in a dental emergency.
